We believe in making a positive impact on the world without forgoing returns.
Specialising in renewing the built environment, we embrace a holistic ESG investment approach that recognises the need for real estate to be ever more sustainable and provide better quality workplaces.
No greenwashing, no legacy issues, Kogi’s sole focus is to look forward. We are disrupters to the established real estate investment landscape by offering a green and impactful alternative.
The name ‘Kogi’, which translates to Jaguar in English, is inspired by the Kogi indigenous tribe living in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains in Colombia.
In their beliefs, we are children of the world and our actions of exploitation, devastation and plundering for resources are weakening the world and leading to our destruction. The Kogi believe their role is to protect and prolong life on earth, matching our company’s ESG investment philosophy.